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Australian Energy Leader Picks Salt for API Security!

Stephanie Best
Jul 12, 2023

We’ve taken our award-winning API security “Down Under” with our latest customer success! Today we announced that Jemena, a leading energy company in Australia, has selected the Salt Security API Protection Platform to protect its critical gas and electricity infrastructure. Here at Salt, we are honored that Jemena has chosen us to secure its API modernization project!

To stay effective in the broader energy market, Jemena started to build out its API platform in 2022. From the very beginning, Jemena knew API security would be essential to protect the investment it was undertaking to modernize its systems. Jemena recognized that APIs present a new form of risk and that traditional solutions, such as WAFs and API gateways, could not fully protect against evolving API attacks.

While Jemena looked at other solutions, Salt stood out from the alternatives. Jemena especially valued that Salt was purpose-built for API security and integrated easily with its existing systems, so they didn’t need to change any of their processes. Given the expected rapid growth of its API program, Jemena knew that the clock was ticking to secure these vital assets.

According to Daniel Gordon, cybersecurity architecture lead at Jemena:

“We anticipate that our API traffic will nearly quadruple in the next year alone. Salt enables us to easily mitigate the risks inherent in our rapid evolution as we continue to aggressively build out our API platform. Salt has already provided us with tremendous insights into the data we are sending over APIs. In addition, because Salt seamlessly integrates with our Kong, ServiceNow, and Splunk systems in our AWS environment, we were able to get up and running in minutes.”

By giving Jemena continuous visibility into its API ecosystem to defend against threats or vulnerabilities, Salt allows Jemena to quickly – and safely – bring its new digital innovations to market by:

  • Providing continuous API discovery for a complete inventory
  • Understanding what data is transmitted across every API
  • Gaining behavioral insights into APIs to block data exfiltration and account fraud
  • Capturing runtime insights to help developers strengthen their API security posture

According to the State of the CISO 2023 report, API adoption is one of security leaders’ biggest control gaps, resulting from digitalization. With the accelerating growth of APIs, the need for API security will only increase in the future.

Salt is committed to helping ensure the safety of these vital assets so that businesses like Jemena can focus on innovating next-generation services to better support their customers.

API security breaches can have a devastating impact on essential public sector providers. Jemena – like other Australian organizations – saw the effects of the Optus API security incident last year (and its $140 million AUD price tag), further emphasizing the need for increased API security.

In the case of Optus, lack of API visibility contributed to the breach by enabling the attacker to take advantage of an exposed API whose existence was outside the view of any security program.

To protect these critical services, today’s organizations need knowledge about all of their APIs, the data they handle, and their security posture. In addition, these organizations cannot risk jeopardizing their customers’ personal information. If APIs are not properly governed, organizations cannot detect vulnerabilities or unauthorized activity until it’s too late.

We applaud the Jemena team for their industry leadership and proactivity in prioritizing API security as part of its modernization program. You can also read more about how Salt helps secure Jemena's critical APIs in this case study.

If you want to learn how Salt can help your organization protect itself from increasing API security risks, please contact us today! One of our API security experts would be happy to speak with you and share best practices, or set up a customized demo of our award-winning platform.


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