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Finding a Great Partner in CrowdStrike

Roey Eliyahu
Sep 19, 2022

From my first talk with George Kurtz at CrowdStrike, I felt like I’d met a kindred spirit, and I’m so excited to share that CrowdStrike has become a Salt Security investor, and Salt is joining the CrowdStrike partner ecosystem. The CrowdStrike Falcon Fund invests and partners with category leaders and innovative security companies  to drive the broader industry forward. We are honored that after researching the API security market, CrowdStrike has chosen to partner with Salt Security to help organizations extend and strengthen their security posture.

We re-opened our $140 million Series D round to include CrowdStrike. We’re so fortunate to have the caliber of investment community that we do. Our D round, led by CapitalG, included Sequoia Capital and all our previous investors. Adding CrowdStrike to the roster just builds on this high standing — and it holds special importance to me.

Great minds think alike

Salt Security and CrowdStrike share a fundamental philosophy in regards to cybersecurity — namely, that better context brings about better security. Both companies believe that context is essential to effective security. CrowdStrike makes this vision a reality with its Falcon cloud-native platform. Leveraging AI, Falcon can collect and quickly analyze massive amounts of endpoint data related to security operations to gain unprecedented context.

AI is key to delivering rich context. Indeed, no technology can process the large amounts of data needed to accelerate threat detection and response better than AI.

Just like CrowdStrike, we here at Salt enable rich context to detect attacks — in our case, of course, in API traffic. The Salt platform uses cloud-scale big data and applies mature, time-tested ML and AI algorithms to provide the context needed to pick out attackers within billions of API calls.  API attacks differ from other security attacks – they unfold over days and weeks. Identifying these “low and slow” attacks requires the ability to correlate activities over time and distill patterns across millions of users and billions of calls.

Combining context for a more integrated and intelligent view

We are really excited about the opportunity to take all of the Salt API and the Falcon endpoint and identity insights and integrate them throughout the corners of your enterprise.

In working with CrowdStrike, we can combine our insights to build an even bigger picture — providing a deeper and more comprehensive view into an organization’s attack surface. CrowdStrike gains unparalleled visibility into what’s occurring on the API level — working off a baseline of API behaviors to quickly spot malicious or unusual activities that could indicate a breach. Better context, better security.

Moreover, both Falcon and the Salt Security API Protection Platform have something extra that they bring to the table — the benefit of time. AI algorithms get smarter over time, with more exposure, increasing their ability to deliver value with crowdsourced experience. In the case of security AI, a mature AI algorithm generates more accurate threat detection, delivering insights into security gaps learned across 1000s of customer environments.

By working together with CrowdStrike and the Falcon Fund ecosystem, we have the potential to supercharge our insights, speeding threat detection and response throughout a company’s infrastructure.

Bringing that value to market faster

Through this collaboration, we can also bring these benefits to customers faster and more seamlessly. Streamlining the delivery and adoption of technologies accelerates time to value. When organizations implement new technologies, they want to see the value right away.

CrowdStrike pioneered the delivery of endpoint protection without users needing to reboot their systems. Salt has similarly focused on seamless deployment — we run out of band so we can’t impact application performance. With this partnership, we intend to make our deployments even easier for customers.

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”

By bringing solutions together, we benefit from our shared learnings, and our solutions become more powerful. Collaboration gives rise to a bigger outcome than we can achieve individually, which is why I’m so excited about today’s news.

Working together, we can enrich the context that organizations have with more data points to identify more threats more quickly. We can extend CrowdStrike insights into API traffic, helping customers quickly assess good versus bad.

We’d love to see you at the CrowdStrike Fal.Con event at the ARIA Resort and Casino this week! We will be showcasing our API security platform in Booth 9H.

If you are not attending Fal.Con but want to learn more about the Salt Security API Protection Platform, I invite you to contact us and sign up for a personalized demo. You can also subscribe to our blog to get the latest news from Salt.


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